About the Journal

Medicina Academica Integrativa is a peer-reviewed open access journal of the University of Mostar, aimed to publish original scientific contributions aimed to increase knowledge and skills in the field of integrative, comprehensive and holistic medicine. The specific aim is to promote integrative health through multidisciplinary integrative and systematic way as well as to stimulate collaboration and joint scientific projects.


The Guidelines for Authors – Medicina Academica Integrativa

General considerations

Medicina Academica Integrativa is a peer-reviewed open access journal of the University of Mostar, aimed to publish original scientific contributions aimed to increase knowledge and skills in the field of integrative, comprehensive and holistic medicine.
The specific aim is to promote integrative health through multidisciplinary integrative and systematic way as well as to stimulate collaboration and joint scientific projects.

Manuscripts are published in English language only. All submitted manuscripts are given equal consideration, irrespective of the country they originate from, as long as the following main criteria are met:

Instructions for authors

Manuscripts must be written in standard and grammatical as well as clear and concise scientific English. It is the responsibility of the authors to ensure the quality of the language. The acceptance criteria for all papers are the quality and originality of the research and its significance to our readership.

Submission of the manuscript

Submission of a manuscript implies:

This must be stated in the Covering letter.

Manuscripts submitted for publication must contain a statement to the effect that all human studies have been approved by a suitably constituted Ethics Committee of the institution within which the work was undertaken and that it conforms to the provisions of the Declaration of Helsinki in 1995 (as revised in Edinburgh 2000). All investigations on human subjects must include a statement that the subject gave informed consent and patient anonymity should be preserved. Any experiments involving animals must be demonstrated to be ethically acceptable. This should be stated in the Subjects sections of the manuscript (see below).

Authors are asked to refrain from submitting papers which have overlap in content with previously accepted papers by the same authors. If the differences between the two are substantial enough that the papers should be considered as distinct, authors are advised to forward copies of both to the Editorial Office.

The editors reserve the right to reject manuscripts that do not comply with the above-mentioned requirements. The author will be held responsible for false statements or for failure to fulfil these requirements.

The manuscript, together with the Covering letter, should be uploaded electronically to the official page of Medicina Academica Integrativa: https://pauk.sum.ba/ojs/mai/

By accessing the online submission you will be guided stepwise through the creation and uploading of the various files. The Editorial Office will acknowledge the receipt of the manuscript and provide it with a manuscript reference number. The reference number of the manuscript should be quoted in all correspondence with the Editorial Office. Each manuscript will be assigned to at least two peer reviewers. Where revisions are sought prior to publication, authors are advised to incorporate any suggestions which they agree would improve their paper. The response letter (separate Word file) should thoroughly respond to each reviewer's comment (numbered), indicating where in the text it has been dealt with, or why the authors disagree or cannnot incorporate it. After the assessors' further comments have been received, the editors will make the final decision, including priority and time of publication, and the right to modify and, if necessary, shorten the material for publication.

Types of papers

Types of accepted papers are given below. Word count for the manuscript includes only the plain text (not tables, figures, abstracts or references).

Contributions will be considered for the following categories:

Preparation of the manuscript


Manuscripts should be presented in the following order:

1. Title page

The title page should be uploaded separately. The rest of the manuscript should not contain personal information of the authors.

2. Manuscript (Summary and Text)

The first page of the manuscript should carry on a Summary/Abstract in the region of 300 words, followed by a list of 3-5 key words or short phrases drawn, if possible, from the medical subject headings (MeSH) list of Index Medicus (http://www.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/meshhome.html). The Summary should state, whenever applicable, very specifically, the main purposes, procedures, findings, and conclusions of the paper, emphasizing what is new or important.

For original papers and review articles, a structured Summary using the headings is preferred:

  1. Text

    It should be divided by subheadings into the following sections:

  1. Acknowledgements

    The source of financial grants and other funding should be acknowledged. The contribution of institutions, colleagues, technical writers or language editors should be noted. Thanks to anonymous reviewers are not needed. If there are no acknowledgements please state so by putting 'None' in the respective section.

    5. Conflict of Interest

    Authors are requested to disclose any commercial or other associations that might pooose a conflict of interest in connection with the submitted articles. If there is no conflict of interest please put 'None to declare' in the respective section.

    6. Contributors

    It is required to declare every author's individual contribution to the manuscript. Every author should be mentioned for his exact work (e.g. design of the study, literature searches and analyses, statistical analyses, interpretation of data, manuscript writing, etc.).

    7. References

All references cited in the text are to be listed in the References section at the end of the text, in alphabetical and chronological order under the last name of the first author.

Where there are more than six authors, list the first six authors and use 'et al.'. All works cited must be listed at the end of the paper, ordered alphabetically by first author's name. Names of journals should be abbreviated in the style used in Index Medicus.

References should be listed in the following form:

Grant BF, Hasin DS, Blanco C, Stinson FS, Chou SP, Goldstein RB et al.: The epidemiology of social anxiety disorder in the United States: results from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions. J Clin Psychiatry 2005; 66:1351-61.

Svrakic DM & Cloninger RC: Epigenetic perspective on behavior development, personality, and personality disorders. Psychiatr Danub 2010; 22: 153-66.

Reiter RJ & Robinson J: Melatonin. Bantam Books, NewYork, 1995.

Doghramji K, Brainard G & Balaicuis JM: Sleep and sleep disorders. In Monti DA & Beitman BD (eds): Integrative Psychiatry, 195-339. Oxford University Press, 2010.

8. Tables

Tables should be included on separate pages and numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals (e.g. Table 1). Column headings should be brief, with units of measurement in parentheses. All abbreviations and symbols should be defined in the legend. The table and its legend should be understandable without reference to the text. Desired position of tables should be indicated in the text.

9. Figures

Illustrations such as graphs, diagrams or photographs should also be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals (e.g. Figure 1) on separate pages, after the Tables. They should contain a short title followed by a concise description. All abbreviations and symbols should be defined in the legend. The figure and its legend should be understandable without reference to the text. Provide a letter stating copyright authorization if figures have been reproduced from another source. Photographs of persons must be made unidentifiable or the subject's written permission must be obtained. Desired position of figures should be indicated in the text.


All materials sent for publication will become the property of the Journal until, and if, publication is refused. The material so referred should not be sent elsewhere for publication.

Galley proofs

Unless indicated otherwise, galley proofs are sent to the corresponding authors as Acrobat PDF files and should be returned with the least possible delay. Authors are advised that they are responsible for proof-reading of the text, references, tables and figures for absolute accuracy. Major alterations made in galley proofs, other than essential correction of errors, are unacceptable at this stage and authors may be charged for excessive alterations.

For further information about Medicina Academica Integrativa, as well as full-text articles published in this Journal, visit the homepage: https://pauk.sum.ba/ojs/mai/
